by julie | Mar 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
Dear Phillipa, I remember when you moved into the house next door to ours in Netherby Street in Dunedin in 1976; I was ten and you were eight. I remember when we used to dance to Grease in your lounge, you were Olivia Newton John and I was John Travolta. I remember...
by julie | Mar 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
Happy International Women’s Day blind wisdom seekers! Every day I write two gratitude lists. The morning list contains 10 things I am grateful for, usually things that have happened in my life over the previous 24 hours, like the ultra friendly checkout operator at...
by julie | Feb 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
Greetings all blind wisdom seekers! I didn’t imagine that when I turned 51 that I would still be reading Disney stories but now that I am 51, and I can read Disney stories I am beginning to see life differently. You see, thanks to many things, · going blind,...
by julie | Jan 4, 2017 | Uncategorized
Above the front door of Louis Braille’s house in Coupvray, France, hangs a plaque with the words “he opened the doors of knowledge to those who cannot see”. This humble house, lying 40 km east of Paris, is now a museum honouring the blind man who gave us the key to...
by julie | Nov 8, 2016 | Uncategorized
Good morning blind wisdom seekers! A few years ago I attended a Be the Change workshop with the wonderful Chris Le Breton, a coach with a big world view who was spending time in Dunedin. Chris held this one day workshop on a Saturday, which I attended with other...
by julie | Oct 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
Oh, have you seen the clips of the braille biscuit monster on the braille biscuit show on Otago Access Radio?? 105.4 fm or on podcast at It’s so so cute! Help us spread the braille biscuit word by sharing this post as well as going onto the Youtube...
by julie | Oct 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
Good morning blind wisdom seekers And welcome to the braille biscuit show! Yes, it went live yesterday and what fun it was. It’s my new multi-platform radio show on Otago Access Radio, 105.4 fm. You can hear the show every Tuesday morning at 10 am · 105.4 FM...
by julie | Sep 27, 2016 | Uncategorized
This Blind Week I am responding to a 7 day challenge put out by the Blind Foundation in conjunction with an organised event where 7 blind people are challenging themselves over 700 km for 7 days! However, I am doing a different kind of challenge. After...
by julie | Sep 6, 2016 | Uncategorized
That’s what I thought the first Christmas we spent together in 2005! “Where’s Ron?” I asked myself. He kept disappearing. Putting it down to having ants in his pants, I carried on through the silly season and at last Christmas arrived! “here’s your present” he said...
by julie | Aug 23, 2016 | Uncategorized
Good morning blind wisdom seekers. Thank you for joining me for another glimpse into the world of the blind. In searching for inspiration for today’s entry I came across an article entitled Why we fear the blind written ByROSEMARY MAHONEY in which Rosemary explores...
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