10 years ago today you died Phillipa Rae Hinds

Dear Phillipa, I remember when you moved into the house next door to ours in Netherby Street in Dunedin in 1976; I was ten and you were eight. I remember when we used to dance to Grease in your lounge, you were Olivia Newton John and I was John Travolta. I remember...

Saying thank you in the key of braille!

Above the front door of Louis Braille’s house in Coupvray, France, hangs a plaque with the words “he opened the doors of knowledge to those who cannot see”. This humble house, lying 40 km east of Paris, is now a museum honouring the blind man who gave us the key to...

Wednesday’s blind wisdoms – fearing the blind!

Good morning blind wisdom seekers. Thank you for joining me for another glimpse into the world of the blind. In searching for inspiration for today’s entry I came across an article entitled Why we fear the blind written ByROSEMARY MAHONEY in which Rosemary explores...