Silver Linings Stack


In 2009 when That Blind Woman Julie Woods published her first book How to Make a Silver Lining – Eight Keys for Adapting to Extraordinary Change, she wasn’t satisfied with simply telling her story of going blind.  As a Professional Speaker and Coach, Julie wanted to give people the tools to help them experience their own posttraumatic growth.

This Silver Lining Stack contains eight A6 cards, each with a thinking question Julie asked herself as she began to thrive after going blind in 1997,

This stack is a useful tool for wellbeing professionals who want to bring about positive change for clients going through their own adversity.

Occasionally dark and stormy clouds have a silver gleam of sunlight along one edge called a silver lining.  Because it looks so beautiful, it is thought that even menacing clouds can sometimes produce benefits. If you find yourself living under one of these clouds, then these cards have been made for you.

These cards come in a laminated reusable box with an instruction card on how to use the stack.


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