Good Wednesday morning blind wisdom seekers!
Fancy a challenge? Would you like to do your own list of 10 things you smell in a day? It seems that the most elusive of the senses for everyone is smell. This comes up often in conversation and also on our daily blindfulness list. So, I thought it might be fun to really stretch ourselves to spend one day noticing the things that wander up our nostrils! Whether it’s the take out coffee we pick up or the smell of baking in the oven let’s start noticing what we smell. Then we can celebrate it!
Remember Helen Keller had only three senses of which smell was one of them and here’s what she said:
*“With my three trusty guides, touch, smell, and taste, I make many excursions into the
borderland of experience which is in sight of the city of Light”
So, if you’d like to make an excursion into the city of light with me,! Look out soon for the challenge!
Here’s 10 things my senses are grateful for today.
1 listening to Kent win 9 in 10 on the Paul Henry show last night and in the process win a $35,000 car!
2 the smell of flowers in a shop down lower Stuart Street!
3 the taste of roast chicken for tea last night!
4 the smell of the Indian food mart in St Andrew Street yesterday.
5 the smell of post in NZ Post – yes – even post has a smell!
6 the smell of hot cross buns as Sebastian heated them up in the microwave!
7 the feel of the shoes in Number 1 shoe Warehouse
8 the sound of Margaret telling me stories in the car
9 the taste of fruit flavoured popcorn – it always transports me back to summers of past when I used to buy it as a girl at Moana Pool!
10 the smell of coffee in Stritctly coffee!
I may not see but I can smell
And taste and touch and listen
And when I do it every day
I find my optimism!
Now that’s a challenge, Ju. I have a terrible and unpredictable sense of smell, such that I never trust that I am receiving the same signals as everyone else. The compensation is that I never notice a bad smell, with the single exception of cheap perfume which drives me crazy! Years ago I left an egg to boil, complete, inexplicably, with a plastic ladle in the pot. Forgetting it, I went to Training College for the day and returned home oblivious to the noxious cloud pervading the house! I’d probably be the sole survivor of a gas attack as long as the attacker wasn’t wearing cheap perfume! xx
Wow Dot! That’s eggscellent! Well not really – I reckon you’re right for the picking for this challenge! I can’t wait for you to give it a go!
J (without cheap perfume on!)
Well now, your challenge was very interesting Ju. I learned that I have mistrusted a sense that was working more than I gave it credit for. I never consciously try to smell anything because I so often get no clue about what everyone is raving about, but your challenge made me give it a try. I’m so out of practice that I seldom remembered to give it a burl and so failed to produce a fulsome, fragrant list of 10. Furthermore, they were all food! Another story perhaps. Anyway, my list included;
Buttery fried onions for caramelised onion tarts – actually, to me, more toasty butter than onion
Sharp vinegar at the next stage of said onions
The wild punch of garlic and to me, unidentifiable but very pungent aroma in the laundry, of the discarded marinating plastic bag from barbecued Korean Pork ribs devoured the night before.
And that’s it! But it’s three moments in the day I would have missed were it not for your prompt. So thank you! I shall try to be more trusting of the nose I had previously considered purely decorative.