Good morning blind wisdom seekers!

The first entry for today isn’t hard – BRRRRRRR! Today I am feeling the cold! It’s definitely winter in this part of the world but nearly 134 years ago when it was summertime in America a little girl was born and they named her Helen Adams Keller. The new baby must have brought much excitement to Ivy Green and the Keller household but before long, and after a short illness of rheumatic fever, Helen Keller was left deaf and blind. The Keller house must have despaired at how

this disease left their little girl but what was to come was about to change the world. I’ll share Helen’s story with you over the next couple of week’s before her birthday on June 27, but let me share with you today something she said that relates to sensory gratitude. “So much has been given to me I do not have time to ponder that which has been denied”

Thank you Helen.

Here’s my list for today!

1 the smell of chicken cooking in the oven for Sebastian’s tea last night!

2 the sound of the floral recipes I am transcribing for my “blooming braille” event at Eden Flowers on Friday 27 June! HK Day! Put it in your diary! 5 pm at 235 King Edward Street.

3 the taste of fresh cheese buns yesterday for lunch!

4 the sound of Ron telling a man in the car park “I’m going to be 70 this year!” When he got back into the car he said “I’m going to be 70 this year” to which I said “You sound like an old person just saying that!”

5 the feel of the raspberry buns that got lost in the chip cupboard overnight because I put them away in the wrong place! Damn it! I am grateful for the feel of those recovered raspberry buns!

6 the sound of Kaya at Southern Paper giving Ron a cunning plan on how not to wear his matching snood out in public! Gees Wayne!

7 the feel of the fairy cards Robyn and I pulled yesterday as part of a coaching card session! Amazing!

8 the smell of Robyn’s animal loved car as she took me down to pick up Sebastian from Polytech on a dreary day!

9 the feel of the hamper box I got from Berica marketing for my truffle packs!

10 the smell of kindness – I smelt it today! In Robyn’s car!

I may not see but I can smell

And taste and touch and listen

And when I do this every day

I find my optimism!