Chocolate coated Christmas greetings to you all and thank you for following the Blind Wisdom blog this year! I hope you are in for loads of merriment over the festive season and don’t forget big joy can come disguised in little packages!

One of the highlights at Christmas for me is receiving Christmas cards in braille! I’ll never forget the first card I received in 2001, from my amazing braille volunteer Dulcie Stewart. Dulcie had worked with me throughout the year while I was learning braille and at the end of the year, what should come through the post but a Christmas card in braille! I didn’t have to ask anyone to read it to me; I read it all by myself! Imagine my joy at this piece of braille mail!

On Tuesday I attended our last Arts for All Otago meeting for the year. I went along as the Christmas pudding truffle, took my raspberry Perkins brailler and together, we brailled out Christmas cards for people.

I love spreading the joy of braille at Christmas and hope that those who receive their braille treats are touched by the gesture! Excuse the pun! Ho ho ho!

It’s farewell from me for 2014 and I look forward to coming back to you with great gusto in the new year.

Have amazing blindfulness moments over the holiday period and don’t forget to let us know what they are by commenting on the Blind Wisdom blog!

May your Christmas smells, sounds, tastes and touches be joyous ones!

Big festive hugs from that blind woman

Julie Woods!